I'm on break from studying and was looking at FOX's new fall TV lineup and realized that
Dark Angel isn't on it. The
DA website confirmed (on May 17th...I haven't been paying attention, apparently) that the show would not be returning for a third season...
And I still haven't seen the season (series) finale because it was accidentally taped over... *seethes quietly* Well, it'll be on again sometime this summer... but just watch me miss it again...
In other news, I have realized that having the computer back means there are people coming in and out of this room a lot more often. Less quiet. More noise. Harder to study. Blaaah.
Well that's all from me, for now. *goes off to continue her hissy fit over
Dark Angel and
Roswell* ...dear GOD, what AM I going to watch next year?? All I've got left of my top 4 are
Buffy and
Angel... *sobs tragically* No, really...this is bad. And DON'T MOCK THE TV ADDICT!